There is a direct correlation between your health and movement. Dancers are fortunate to be able to move their bodies regularly. It is essential that they balance the demanding physical workload with a focus on breath, healing, play and goal setting. By incorporating these basic tenets, you will see radical improvement in your physical, spiritual and mental well-being.
Let’s begin with the breath. Your breath is your life source. When was the last time you took a moment to listen to your breath and heart beat? The benefits of mindful deep breathing include relaxation, mental clarity, immune boosting properties, anxiety and tension relief, increased lung capacity and increased energy. Most importantly you are increasing the amount of oxygen on a cellular level. This is the best way to promote health in our bodies.
Start your day with an approach that sets you on a positive trajectory. Wake up with purpose. Don’t be in such a hurry to check your email and phone. That can wait. Your goal is to create health and peace in your body and mind. I assure you that this method will deliver.
I recommend starting each day with cleansing breaths. Lay supine and place one hand over your abdomen and the other over your heart center. You do this to ensure that the breath originates from the diaphragm and not the chest. Breathe in for six counts, hold for two counts and expel the air through the mouth for six counts. Repeat this series four times. When you exhale you can incorporate sound and make your breath slightly audible. This aids in relaxation.
The next step involves gentle movement. This is how you awaken the body and spirit. Implement an element of play into your stretch and movement segment. Watch children and the way they move. They make play an integral part of their existence. As adults we forget the significance of having fun. It needs to be a part of your daily life. Take a moment to channel your inner child. How does he or she move? Be gentle with your body and explore the different ways you can stretch and engage every muscle in the body. It will behoove you to incorporate your deep breathing techniques during this movement/ stretch phase.
The last step in creating a healthy body and mind begins with your vision and commitment to your projects. I recommend you purchase a journal that you use exclusively for your daily affirmations and desires. When you write down your goals you set a chain reaction in effect. When you become excited about your projects and work towards your goals, the right people will be there to help facilitate your success. I have seen this happen numerous times. Enthusiasm, commitment and focus will set you on the proper trajectory.
Does your current goal reflect your individuality and fundamental beliefs? You are an individual with unique talents. Honor those talents! That is the true source of happiness. Don’t buy into a manufactured dream of success! You create your life and are responsible for your choices.
Remember your level of success as a human being is directly related to your contribution. There is no way around that. What are you doing for others? How can you increase your amount of service?
Movement is healing. When you move the body it propels you to action. Move in the direction of your goals. Help others achieve their purpose. This formula will be the secret to your success and happiness.